Accelerating, Shifting, and Finding a Proper Idle
...........please stand by as we attempt to establish smoother runnings........ Cough, sputter. Grab a handfull, then "VROOOOM!!" - bounce it hard off the limiter yet again. Really shouldn't do that too many more times......... Nothing snapped, no smoke or new rattles, so back to the fine adjustment of those most fiddly of bits in hopes of someday becoming, well, reliable is a start, and then dare I dream of upgrades and higher-performance in my future with this machine? What about with that one over there? Dunno. Can't say, so I'll just focus on this very next task - the only task there ever is, really. The very most important one it always IS. There it is again, in the midst of a salad I made. Funny how these things work, innit? Inside job again as usual with the derail and the bad connections that lead to the meltdowns. Sneaky Devil(s)......... I think this word break has been helpful. Thanks for sharing the minute or so it might take o...